
Download mp3 labaik allahuma labaik opick
Download mp3 labaik allahuma labaik opick

So, Ibrahim, you stood up (on his place, or on the Black Stone, or on (the mountain of) As-Safa or on (the mountain of) Abu Qubays and said, O mankind Your Lord has established a House so come for pilgrimage to it.

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The Messenger said: There is no Muslim who recites the Talbiyah but whatever is to his right and to his left of stones, rocks and clods recites it with him, to the furthest point to the east and the west meaning from his right and his left.Īllah The Almighty promised him that He will convey his call to all people. Mukhtasar Tahdheeb al-Sunan, Ibn al-Qayyim, 2335-339). It includes acknowledging that all sovereignty belongs to Allah alone, and no one else has any true dominion. It implies recognition of the blessings of Allah, for He is the source of all blessings and the One Who bestows them. Hence the Talbiyah is the key to this act of worship that the pilgrim is embarking on.

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